Looking forward with anticipation to this year’s INCS conference in Salt Lake City, March 24-27, 2022.
For more information, click here for the INCS 2022 conference website and exciting program of talks, field trips, and other events!
About the INCS Conference
Held in a region of rich fossil beds, towering crags, plunging canyons, and snow-capped mountains, the 2022 Interdisciplinary Nineteenth-Century Studies Annual Conference in Salt Lake City will dig deep into questions about stratification – physical and social, spatial and temporal, visual and textual. We invite papers that consider the myriad varieties of literal and figurative layering that played out across the nineteenth century. This conference will foreground how exploratory and creative acts of digging down and building up expose new truths and generate new knowledge both in the nineteenth century and in our present work as scholars of the period. Please join us in our transdisciplinary and interconnected investigations into what lies below, above, and on the surface.
My talk “Camera Atmosphaera,” is scheduled for March 25, 2022 and I am exited about connecting with fellow nineteenth-century researchers and students attending this great conference organized by the brilliant scholars @JessicaStraley (U of Utah) and Leslee Thorne-Murphy (BYU)!