Professional Associations

  • International Federation for Public History
  • National Association of Firearms History and Museums (Vice-President)
  • American Historical Association
  • North American Conference on British Studies
  • National Council on Public History
  • Society for History of Technology
  • Victorian Studies Association
  • History of Science Society
  • Magic Lantern Society (UK)
  • Photography Network, Rutgers University.

Other Professional Service

  • Member, Regional Gun Violence Research Consortium (RGVRC), Rockefeller Institute of Government (2024-present).
  • Advisory Council member, University of California Multi-Campus Programs and Initiatives (MRPI), Arts, Humanities, and Culture Review Panel (October 14, 2020).
  • Fellowship Evaluator, Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NIAS) (2020-present).
  • Member, Undergraduate Essay Prize Committee (Chair, 2019-20), North American Conference on British Studies (2017–2020).
  • Grant Evaluator, National Endowment for the Humanities Public Scholar Program, Spring 2019.
  • Member of the Pre-Award Team Lead for Contracts & Grants, Research Grants Program Office, University of California Office of the President (Oct 24, 2018).

Book Manuscript Reviews

Harvard University Press, Johns Hopkins University Press, Getty Publications, Princeton University Press, Routledge, Stanford University Press, University of California Press, Yale University Press, University of Chicago Press, Bloomsbury Academic Press, MIT Press, University of Massachusetts Press.

Article Reviews

American Historical Review, Oxford Art Journal, British Journal for the History of Science, English Historical Review, History and Technology, History Today, Isis, Journal of American History, Journal of Modern History, Kronos: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Synthesis, Photography and Culture, Radical History Review, Technology and Culture, Public Historian, Photography and Culture, Journal of Visual Culture, and Victorian Studies.

External Review Committee Service

  • Visiting Review Committee, Science, Technology & Society Program, Colby College (October 10-12, 2021).
  • Visiting Review Committee, Gender, Sexuality, and Feminist Studies Institute, Oberlin College (September 22–23, 2014).
  • Visiting Review committee, Science, Technology, and Society Program, Vassar College (September 2011).

Graduate Seminars

  • Grant writing workshop, Visual Studies Research Institute, Graduate seminar, Univ. of Southern California (October 3, 2020).
  • Book publishing workshop for graduate students and recent postdocs, Science History Institute, Philadelphia, PA (October 2020).
  • Jobs in Art and Law, Careers Day workshop, University of York (October 10, 2016).

Wesleyan University Service

Chair/Director Experience

  • Interim Director, Allbritton Center for the Study of Public Life. Wrote a strategic vision report for the administration with recommendations. Organized campus and public events (2012–13).
  • Chair, Feminist, Gender and Sexuality Studies Program. Participated in program’s self-study and external review (2008-09) and oversaw negotiations with the administration leading to the Program’s first dedicated line, at the senior level. Worked with administration to build the visibility, reach, and institutional impact of the program and to profile and enhance its contributions to intellectual life at Wesleyan. (FGSS Chair: 2008–09; 2011–2012; 2012–13; 2018–19, Spring 2021).

University Committees

  • Member, Search Committee for the Vice President for Communications Position (May–September 2019).
  • Faculty Advisory Board Member, Ezra and Cecile Zilkha Gallery (Fall 2017–present).
  • Task Force, University Copyright and Fair Use Practices, Olin Library Committee (2019-2020).
  • Faculty Advisor, Wesleyan Media Project (WMP), “Guns in Campaign Ads During 2017-2018.”
  • Faculty Advisory Board Member, Center for the Humanities (Fall 2015–present).
  • University Honors Committee (2008–09; 2021–23).
  • Review and Appeals Board (2010–13; re-elected 2018 for a three-year term)
  • Fulbright Scholarship Committee (Fall 2015); International Fellowships Committee (2018–present).
  • University Digital Collections Strategic Planning Committee. Faculty rep to the subcommittee on Special Collections and Archives and World Music Archives (2014-present).
  • Olin University Library External Review, faculty representative (Spring 2015).
  • Faculty Seminar Leader, (“First Year Matters” Seminar): “The Machine in the Garden.” (Frosh Orientation, September 2014).
  • Steering Committee Member, Van Vleck Observatory Centennial Restoration (2013–present).
  • Presidential Task Force: “Making Excellence Inclusive” (2010–present).
  • Provost’s Task Force on Divisional Organization (Fall 2011). 
  • Academic Review Committee (2010­–2012). 
  • First Year Initiatives Committee (2010-2011).
  • Search Committee for new Director of the Davison Art Center (Fall 2004).
  • University Advisory Committee (University Tenure and Promotion) (2001–03).

Departmental/Program Service

History Department
  • Chair, Search Committee for Tenure-Track Position in Gender and African History in the History Department (2013); Member, Search Committee for Tenure-Track Position in Gender and African History (2006).
  • Search Committee for Tenure-Track Position in History of Modern Science (2008).
  • Member, Sub-Committee to design and implement new HIST 362 course template (2003–2005).
  • Faculty Advisor for Gender and History & Visual History, History Department (2005–Present)
Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program
  • Chair, 2008–09; 2011–2012; 2012–13; 2018–19; Spring 2021.
  • Core Member and Faculty Advisor since 1998. Advised majors, worked with students and faculty to lay plans for a new FGSS minor.
  • Participated in Hiring for a Tenure-Track Position in Transnational Feminism/Race, Gender and Sexuality (Fall 2021)
  • Chair, Search for one-year Visiting Assistant Professorship in Transnational Feminism and/or Race, Gender, and Sexuality (Spring 2021).
  • Chair, Search for one-year Visiting Assistant Professorship in Black Feminist Thought (2008).
  • Interim Member, Search Committee for Associate or Full Professor(Fall 2013).
Science in Society Program
  • Core Member and Faculty Advisor since 1998.
  • Participated in Hiring for a Tenure-Track Position in STS in the Global South (Fall 2021).
  • Search Committee for Tenure-Track Position in Health and Medicine (2014-15).
  • Search Committee for Tenure-Track Position in Sociology of Medicine (2008-09).
College of the Environment
  • Instructor, Group Research Tutorial in Industrial Revolution and Environmental Law (2018).
  • Reviewed Summer/Fall Internship Applications (2018).
College of Social Studies
  • Tutor, CSS 240 “The Emergence of Modern Europe” (2020–21).
  • Nominating Committee, Assistant Professor of CSS (Spring 2021).
  • Guest Panelist, College of Social Studies Student-Led Panel on “Gender Politics in the CSS and the U.S. Election” (November 17, 2020).