• Principal Investigator, Arnold Ventures Award ($830k) for “Firearms Use and Regulation in the 18th and 19th Centuries: Modeling the Application of Historical Methods for Law and Policy in the Bruen Era.” A two-year study to conduct historical research on firearms law and culture across regions in the 18th and 19th c. U.S. Hired two 2-year postdoctoral researchers, law students, and undergraduates in preparation of academic papers, a public website and field guide for the courts (2024–present).
  • Principal Investigator, $150k National Endowment for the Humanities Collaborative Award (“Dangers and Opportunities of Technology: Perspectives from the Humanities”), with Prof. Stephen Hargarten (Medical College of Wisconsin), for “Engineering Safety into U.S. Firearms, 1750-2010” (2023).
  • Principal Investigator, Arnold Ventures Award ($26,000) for exploration of the viability of an updated, civilian-oriented lethality index for contemporary small arms (2023).
  • Principal Investigator, New England Humanities Consortium Seed Grant Award ($5,000), for “Cross-disciplinary teaching, learning & designing”: A collaboration between Wesleyan, Brown, and Rhode Island School of Design in which graduate and undergraduate students design proposals for museum exhibits exploring New England’s complex gun history in collaboration with the National Park Service’s Coltsville Historic Park in Hartford, CT (2022).
  • Co-Investigator, Mellon Foundation “Humanities for All Times” Award ($1.1 million) for the project Carceral Connecticut, exploring the past and contemporary resonances of slavery, race, violence, and industrialization in New England. (PI: D. Eudell) (2022–24).
  • Durham University Residential Research Library Fellowship, Durham University, UK, [postponed to May 2022]. 
  • Raquel and Arthur Seidel Fellowship in the History of Intellectual Property and Patents, Science History Institute, Philadelphia, February 2020. 
  • Visiting Research Fellowship, Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, January 2020. 
  • National Endowment for the Humanities, Public Scholar Award, 2016.  
  • British Academy-Huntington Library Fellowship, Summer 2011. 
  • Curran Fellowship for Study of the Victorian Press, Summer 2011.    
  • Faculty Research Fellow, Yale Center for British Art, Fall 2003. 
  • National Endowment for the Humanities, Summer Stipend, 1999. 
  • Social Science Research Counsel/ACLS Dissertation Award, 1993–94. 
  • British Marshall Scholarship, University of Cambridge, 1988-90. 


Internal Research Grants and Fellowships  

  • Teaching & Pedagogy Grant ($2400):  New Intro course “‘To Keep and to Bear’: An Intro to Gun Culture in the U.S.” (200 level intro course + . 25 credit lab) (2021–2)2. 
  • Center for Pedagogical Innovation Grant ($750) from the Andrew Mellon Foundation to acquire training in Victorian magic lantern show production from Connecticut-based magic lantern slide collector and independent historian, Dick Moore (Fall 2019). 
  • Center for Pedagogical Innovation Grant from the Davis Foundation to develop a project-based course at Wesleyan. Funds used to cover expenses for Rosie Dawson, Senior Producer of BBC 4 Radio, to run a week of workshops focused on training undergraduates in HIST 262 “Environmental History and Visual Studies” how to write and present their research on WESU student radio (March 28–April 6, 2017).    
  • Wesleyan Project Grant awarded for article-related research in Liverpool and Manchester, England for “Science Against Industry,” a study of the visual culture of 19th century air and river pollution reform (Summer 2015). 
  • Creative Campus Initiative, Andrew W. Mellon-funded Wesleyan grant awarded for designing a curricular module including an artist for “Victorian Environmentalism” (Spring 2015). 
  • Andrew W. Mellon Foundation-supported “Arts Across the Curriculum Grant,” awarded by Wesleyan’s Center for the Arts for collaboration with an artist in the development of a new course, “Picturing Environmental Damage: Visual Media, Investigation and Reform from the Industrial Revolution to the 1960s” (Spring 2015). 
  • Faculty Fellow, College of the Environment, Wesleyan University (2014–15).  
  • Wesleyan Project Grant for book research in the UK ($2000), 2013. 
  • Science across the Curriculum Grant: Designed and co-taught a new undergraduate lecture course, “Interpreting Life on Mars: Scientific Data and Popular Knowledge,” with planetary geologist Martha Gilmore (Spring 2011). 

Internal Prizes  

  • James L. McConaughy Public Writing Prize, Wesleyan University (2015). 
  • Carol A. Baker Memorial Prize for Interdisciplinary Teaching and Research, Wesleyan (2001). 