The Conversation: From Their Balloons, the First Aeronauts Transformed Our View of the World

Near the beginning of the film “The Aeronauts,” a giant gas-filled balloon called the “Mammoth” departs from London’s Vauxhall Gardens and ascends into the clouds, revealing a bird’s eye view of London. To some moviegoers, these breathtaking views might seem like nothing special: Modern air travel has made many of Read more…

“Photography/Science/Wonder,” Focal Plane: A Journal for Photographic Educators and Students 8 (April 2019): 18-23.

In 2018, Gerard Lange, Associate Professor of Art & Design at Barton College in North Carolina, began publishing a quarterly printed journal that features the work of photography educators and students, titled Focal Plane. The purpose of this publication is to highlight the work that teachers perform both in and Read more…

Tucker, co-edited with Margaret Vining and Barton Hacker, A Right to Bear Arms? The Contested Role of History in Contemporary Debates on the Second Amendment (Washington, D.C: Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press and Penguin Books, 2019).

This collection of essays offers a glimpse into how and why historical arguments have been marshaled on both sides of today’s debate over the Second Amendment. The debate over the Second Amendment has unveiled new and useful information about the history of guns and their possession and meaning in the Read more…

“Photography in the Making of Modern Science,” in Handbook of Photography Studies, ed. Gil Pasternak (London: Bloomsbury Academic Press, 2019), pp. 235-254.

Tucker, “Photography in the Making of Modern Science,” in Handbook of Photography Studies, ed. Gil Pasternak (London: Bloomsbury Academic Press, 2019), pp. 235-254. Learn more here. he Handbook of Photography Studies is an overview of the field of photography studies, examining its thematic interests, dynamic research methodologies and multiple scholarly Read more…
